History of the St. John’s Lodge
“Zum Widder” 1946 – now

History - Aries Patent

In autumn 1945, the Allies granted a license to work in Masonic lodges again. On June 1, 1946, the first joint work of the lodges “Kurfürstin Henriette”, “Zur Beständigkeit” and “Zum Widder” took place under the leadership of the Chairman Master of the Aries in Berlin. By 1948, the number of members had risen to 53 brothers. On October 17, 1963, the St. John’s Lodges “Zur Beständigkeit” and “Zum Widder” merged. The St. John’s Lodge now called itself “Zur Beständigkeit mit zum Widder”.

The collaboration ended on December 31, 1981 and the St. John’s Lodge “Zum Widder” ceased its masonic work.

In October 2012, at the suggestion of the Grand Lodge of the Freemasons of Germany, 7 brothers decided to found a “Masonic Association” in Potsdam under the supervision of the St. John’s Lodge “Zum Pegasus” Berlin with the aim of reactivating the dormant St. John’s Lodge “Zum Widder” based in Potsdam. These brothers were all members of the St. John’s Lodge “Lynkeus der Türmer” in Nuremberg who lived in the Berlin/Potsdam area. The application for reactivation was approved at the 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Grand Lodge. The date of the “installation of the light” and the appointment of the presiding Master was set for February 1, 2014. The fraternity of the reactivated lodge celebrated this event the evening before with a large reception in the function rooms of the Mövenpick Restaurant “Zur Historischen Mühle” Sanssouci.

On February 1, 2014, more than 500 brothers celebrated the installation of light and master of our St. John’s Lodge “Zum Widder” in the Friedenskirche in Sanssouci Park in Potsdam. The subsequent dinner lodge took place in the Order House in Berlin.

At its 248th foundation anniversary, the lodge now has over 68 brothers with an average age of under 51.